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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #126142: Dictation: the keys
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    That morning, by leaving her flat hastyly, Inès forgot her keys and her front door closed with the draugth : ' Bang, cling ! ' Her lock was a three-point-lock, which means an unpicable lock. Of course it had to happen to her on a sunday to top it all off, a day when she could find a locksmith, if she could find one who would be willing to make the moving and would necessarily double the price of his performance, for pulling him out of bed at that early hour. Inès lived on the fifth floor and was employed in an association of assistance to the person, she did not earn a huge amont, especially with a part-time position. Inès rang at her neighbour ' s landing Corinne who did not answer since she was away for weekend. Inès ran down a storey. She arrived breathless and knoked at the door of her neighbour bellow, Noémie, and asked her for her key. ' If all the keys can close the dustbin room, it could well be that one of the keys of the tenants corresponds to my door to be able to open it. ' she thougth. Noémie, in her nightgown, the curlers still on her head, put on her dressing gown, went upstair and tried in vain to introduce her key into Inès ' lock. ' Just my luck! ' said Inès to Noémie, who confirmed that the adjoining flat was empty. Inès thanked Noémie and told herself that Corinne would return the next night from her getaway, and that she would go to see her at that time. But the night passed and Corinne did not come back! Inès had spent the night in her car, in the car park. Corinne arrived finally at noon, and Inès, fear in her heart was able to pass from Corinne ' s balcony to her balcony where she broke her window and finally returned home! She hid the second set of keys in a place known only to herself and easily accessible, without anyone ' s help. She had to pay for a window, but it was not the end of the world compared to the exorbitant price of this kind of lock! Hall is well that ends well.

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