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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #126381: Adjectives - prepositions - indirect objects
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Adjectives | Find the word | Prepositions [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Comparative of superiority - Adjectives and prepositions - Order of adjectives - Superlative + and adjective - Adjectives-ing and ed - Adjectives and adverbs - Superlative - FOR and its use
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    Adjectives - prepositions - indirect objects

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    English exercise "Adjectives - prepositions - indirect objects" created by eos17 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from eos17]
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    1. Her son is dependent cannabis. She's worried !

    2. Are you afraid heights ? Well, wait for us because it's very impressive.

    3. Marie is dissatisfied the attitude of her friend.

    4. They're anxious the results of the radiography.

    5. Is he still keen football ?

    6. I'm grateful my neighbour who watered my garden during my holidays.

    7. This child is really good music !

    8. The employees are worried the manager's decision.

    9. I feel sorry the families who have lost everything during the last flooding.

    10. We 're choked the conflict between United States, Australia and France.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Adjectives - prepositions - indirect objects
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Adjectives | Find the word | Prepositions | All our lessons and exercises