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Expressing indifference
In lesson test we had studied two very different ways of expressing
We'll insist on that again here, adding common phrases on the same theme.
1) I DON'T MIND: I'm not upset, annoyed or worried:
(The expression is quite neutral).
* It is followed by Verb+ ing
- I don't mind walking to work: it's good for my health.
* Also followed by IF/ HOW/ WHEN/ WHERE/ WHAT/ WHICH + clause.
- I don't mind if you stay here, as long as you keep silent.
2) I DON'T CARE: I'm not interested or concerned!
(Common phrase which can become rude, depending on the context)
- I really don't care if he doesn't like what I have said: it was the truth:
Be careful!
- do not mistake "to care for somebody": to provide for/ to attend to/ to nurse/ to guard/
for "to take care of": to watch over/ to be responsible.
- If you stay here, you'll have to take care of the cats while I'm away.
- As you like/ as you wish...
- It doesn't matter. / Never mind! It's not important to me!
- Why not?
- It's all the same to me...
- I couldn't care less...
- I can't be bothered!
- So what?
- I don't give a damn!
Once again, these very varied expressions will enable you to express real nuances!
Therefore, you'd better know them! Here's the test! Go for it!
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