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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #127145: Expressing indifference

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    Expressing indifference

    In lesson test we had studied two very different ways of expressing




    We'll insist on that again here, adding common phrases on the same theme.



    1) I DON'T MIND: I'm not upset, annoyed or worried: 

    (The expression is quite neutral).

    * It is followed by Verb+ ing
    - I don't mind walking to work: it's good for my health.

    * Also followed by IF/ HOW/ WHEN/ WHERE/ WHAT/ WHICH + clause.
    - I don't mind if you stay here, as long as you keep silent.




    2) I DON'T CARE: I'm not interested or concerned! 

    (Common phrase which can become rude, depending on the context) 
    - I really don't care if he doesn't like what I have said: it was the truth:

     Be careful! 
    - do not mistake "to care for somebody": to provide for/ to attend to/ to nurse/ to guard/ 

    - to care about something/someone: 

    for "to take care of": to watch over/ to be responsible.
    - If you stay here, you'll have to take care of the cats while I'm away.





    - As you like/ as you wish...

    - It doesn't matter. / Never mind! It's not important to me!

    - Why not? 

    - It's all the same to me... 

    - I couldn't care less... 

    - I can't be bothered!

    - So what? 

    - I don't give a damn! 



    Once again, these very varied expressions will enable you to express real nuances! 

    Therefore, you'd better know them! Here's the test! Go for it!  



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    1. 'Look at her room! She to clean it up and has lived in a mess for months.'

    2. 'I’m sorry I didn’t have enough time to visit you when I came here for two days.' ' !
    I’ll come again and visit next month! Be ready!'

    3. 'Whether Paul comes to the party or not is … I won’t go!'

    4. ' if I ask you to help your nephew?' 'Of course not! That’s my pleasure…'

    5. 'I really what you do now… You can come or stay… as you like…'

    6. 'I with you to ski… I don’t want to go… I hate the mountains and the cold…'

    7. 'Really, you can do … I have no objection at all and won’t complain.'

    8. 'We can either go there by car or by train… … what would you prefer?'

    9. 'When I’m away, I want some of my plants to be . They need watering every two days…'

    10. 'If , I’d rather keep the blue one and give you the red one…'

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Expressing indifference
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Frequent mistakes | Idioms | Opinions | All our lessons and exercises