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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #127400: Vocabulary: time instruments

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    Vocabulary: time instruments


    The TIME that is passing very often looks horribly long... or much too short! 

    To measure it without too much subjectivity, some varied instruments are available!  

    There are many of them! Have a pick!  



              A sundial                                                                            A grandfather clock

     A clock 
     by the clock 
     a grandfather clock 
     a pendulum 
     the chime [tchaim]
     an alarm clock 
     a clock-radio
     an hour glass
     a sundial 
     a watch 
     a wrist watch
     a digital/ quartz watch                                                                                      
     a diver's watch 
     a fob watch 
     a stopwatch 


    - To time sth with a stopwatch: a watch with a hand that can be stopped or

    started at any instant for precise timing, as in races.


               A fob watch                                                                       A stopwatch

     the dial/ the face 
     the hand                                                     
     the hour hand 
     the minute hand 

     the second hand/ The sweep hand 

     a liquid crystal display (An LCD)                                                                                  

     the winder 
     the spring 
     a cog (wheel) 
     a watch battery   
     a (watch) strap
     a clockmaker/ watchmaker   



                                                         The needles of a clock


    - To put the clock/ one's watch/ right.

    - The clock is slow/ the clock is fast!

    - It's five minutes slow/ fast.

    - To wind up a watch.

    - To ring: (alarm clock).

    - To chime: (other clocks).


    2) NIGHT and DAY:

     A day 
     During the day  
     In the daytime 
     The morning/ This morning/  in the morning

     At noon/ at midday/ at 12 (o'clock)

     At lunchtime/ at the lunch hour                                             

     The afternoon/ This afternoon/ in the afternoon  
     The evening
     Tonight/ in the evening                                                                                         
     A night/ at night
     During the night
     Midnight/ at midnight



                     The small hours...

    -  early in the morning

    - late in the morning

    - in the small hours/ in the early hour: very early in the morning

    - on a fine spring morning/ one fine spring morning

    - from morning till night

    - early/ late in the evening

    - late at night

    - in the middle of the night

    - it's getting dark

    - it's pitch dark

    - after dark

     At dawn/ at first light                                                                                  
     Dawn is breaking 
     Sunrise/ at sunrise

    - the sun rises... // the sun sets... 

    Dusk/ twilight
    At dusk/ at twilight                                                                                      
    Sunset/ at sunset 



        Dawn (when the sun rises)                                       Dusk (when the sun sets)


    I'm sure the test won't be a problem for you! Thanks for working with us! 


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    A. 'Look! This old country house has a ! It’s a pity I can’t really read it.'

    B. 'The time? , it is 10 to, but it may .'

    C. My grandfather always carried his , which was very classy, but quite unpractical.

    D. 'We have an appointment just before . You must be ready to have a late meal.'

    E. 'Look Timmy! is on 5 and is on 9. Therefore, what time is it?'

    F. 'Your watch has stopped. You must have forgotten to .' 'Oh no… it’s simply because the is dead!'

    G. 'Oh dear! It’s outside. Can you lend me a torch, please?'



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