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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #127525: Dictation - La Rochelle and Quebec
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    Dictation - La Rochelle and Quebec

    Find 10 mistakes in this text.
    La Rochelle and Quebec are two cityes located on the 46th nord parallel and related by their history.
    In the 16th century, La Rochelle was one of the main ports to maintain commercial relation with North America, particularly with cod fishing on newfoundland bank.
    In the 17th century, the city was the real Cannadian port of the kingdom. The boats shipped settlers and soldiers in order to increase the population of New France. The holds were filled with arms, tools, goods, salts, wine. On their return they were loaded with pelts and furs exported throuhout Northern Europe. Merchants and traders from La Rochelle were at the heart of a vast economic network.
    For thousand of migrants the image of the two tower of La Rochelle was the last memory of France.

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