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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #127759: Dictation - Birds' Digestion
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    Dictation - Birds' Digestion

    Find 10 mistakes in this text.
    A bird ' s digestion works interestingly. First, the food that a bird eats goes down its esophagos, or gullet, and enters the bird ' s crop, a place for storing food. Next, when it is to diegest the food, it goes from the crop into the bird ' s first stomak. chemicles in the stomach brake down the food into small parts and send them to the gizard, the bird ' s second stomach. Tiny stones crush the broken-down food the bird has swalowed. These stones work as a mill and grind the food into mush. After the food is ground, the nutriants travel to body parts while the waists pass through the intestine and out in the bird ' s dropings.

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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