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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #127778: Possessive adjectives
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Adjectives | Frequent mistakes | Genitive [Change theme]
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    Possessive adjectives

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    English exercise "Possessive adjectives" created by chocolatcitron with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chocolatcitron]
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    1. "I'll give you time table" the teacher said to her pupils.

    2. The young elephant puts trunk into the water to drink, its troup protects it from all other attacks. There are many crocodiles in the river, and fierce hyenas follow them anytime!

    3. If rooms are in a mess, they will have to clean them. No one will clean them for them. They have to do the job by themselves!

    4. Would you mind giving me holiday for October, please?

    5. "Thanks for sharing meal to anybody is needed! " said the host to his guys, "Some of your friends have nothing to eat, no drink, and we'll also share ours with them!"

    6. We raise glasses saying: "cheers!"

    7. "She won't drink, it wasn't glass, it wasn't hers."

    8. You are asked not to protest against rules, if you disagree with them, go back home!

    9. Mario was thinking about father (=Mario's father), when the phone rang. Bingo, this was him!

    10. Cats lick hair several times a day.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Possessive adjectives
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Adjectives | Frequent mistakes | Genitive | All our lessons and exercises