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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #128210: TO: preposition or infinitive

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    TO: preposition or infinitive


    It is undoubtedly one of the most difficult obstacles that make you stumble in conversation...

    "Which construction should I use after this verb: an infinitive, or "an -ing form"?

    Of course, there are rules to guide you in your choice... but also many particularities

    that we will revise here... 


    1) If some verbs are followed by another verb, it must be put in the complete infinitive form: 


        To want to buy/ to afford to buy...                        To intend to do something


     To want to appear
     To offer to claim
     To choose to consent                        
     To decide to decline
     To hope to demand
     To plan to deserve
     To promise                      to happen
     would like                 to intend                       


     to learn To resolve
     to afford  To tend to
     to agree  To struggle
     to ask To swear
     to expect To volunteer
     to prepare To wait
     to refuse To wish
     to guarantee                      To desire                     

     BEWARE you also tend to "forget" : to try 

    It may be followed either by an infinitive or by an - ing form.  




         To struggle to do something.


    - If you want to help her, don't interfere.

    - I can't afford to buy these boots, they're too expensive. 

    - I expect you to be respectful and silent. 

    - He'll choose to come during the holiday, not for a weekend...

    - You hope to receive your order tomorrow. 

    In all the constructions above, the particle "TO" is part of the infinitive form after it.


     To volunteer to do something... 


    Yet, and you know it, "TO" is also a preposition which is then followed by a nominal 

    group, a noun (or a pronoun). 

    - Like everyday at the same time, he was walking to his office.


    * You have been told - and it's true - that prepositions are followed by an -ing verb. 

    I feel like going home. 

    - He left without saying goodbye. 


    Therefore "TO" is one of the particles followed by an -ing form (or gerund)



    2) A lot of verbs are followed by TO (preposition)  and are then

    necessarily followed by a gerund. 


     To admit (to) + V ing   To be committed to + V ing
     To confess to doing  To be accustomed to + V ing                       
     To be devoted to (doing)    To adjust to + V ing
     To be dedicated to + V ing                           To object to + V ing
     To get around to + V ing  an objection to + V ing
     To look forward to + V ing  To be opposed to + V ing
     When it comes to + V ing...  To be used to + V ing


     A few examples: 

    - We are all strictly opposed to cheating at exams...

    - Mary is totally devoted to helping the destitute.

    - You'll have to adjust to working in a team. 

    - I can't get used to coming to work by bus... It's terrible!

    - Lucy finally got around to tidying up her room! 

    Oh yes, they are many,   but the only reasonable solution is to remember them... 




     For the difference between "USED TO"  and "TO BE USED TO", please, see  test.


    Please, do this exercise slowly, thinking carefully in order to distinguish the function of "TO". Then,  choose

    which form you'll use. You're most likely to succeed with flying colours...   

    You can do it! Go for it with THE FORCE!   


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    1. 'I have tried and tried again when he humiliated me, but enough is enough ! That’s it!'

    2. 'You really promoted… Your work is so remarkable!'

    3. The shameful little boy the missing chocolates…

    4. The boss is totally the marketing team before the project is finished.

    5. He the vase and offered to pay for a new one…

    6. 'I’ve you… but certainly not to do your work for you…'

    7. 'I definitely Leo is only interested in Sally’s money… He really looks in love with her…'

    8. 'Of course I next weekend… Who wouldn’t?'

    9. 'I’m really these wonderful friends again…'

    10. 'He says he has no for the repairs of the damage he’s done.'





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