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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #128334: Link words (again!)

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    Link words (again!)

    LINK WORDS... again... (studying them is never enough... )


    I proofread quite a number of texts written by foreign Learners; they show me, if need be, 

    that it's necessary to work on Link Words again, and again, and if possible, to learn them... 

    You can revise them and train to use them correctly! Go for it!  




    More LINK WORDS 




     In short/ in a word: in summary, stated or said briefly:
     Let me see/ let me think: used when you want to think for a moment about something         
     Mind you, : used when you want to make what you have just said sound less strong
     Moreover, :  also and more importantly
     On the contrary, :you think or feel the opposite of what has just been stated.
     On the one hand,... : 
     ... on the other hand: you are comparing two different facts or two opposite ways of thinking about a situation. 
     On the whole, : generally 
     Otherwise, : the result will be, if you do not follow that order or suggestion.  
     Still, : continuing to happen/ despite that
     That's to say/ that is,/ : or more exactly                                                                                                                 
     That's why... : that's an explanation
     Therefore: for that reason
     Thus: in this way:
     Though: despite the fact that
     To sum up: to describe or express the important facts or characteristics. 
     Unless: except if 
     Yet: despite that/ however. 



             On (the) one hand,                                              Therefore... 

           ... on the other hand. 




    - He enjoys acting; moreover, he's good at it.

    - On the one hand, he's eager to help, but on the other hand, he says he has no free time.

    - We'd better leave now, otherwise we'll be late.

    - "No! This book isn't interesting... On the contrary, it's so boring that I've stopped reading it!"

    - He may be agitated at times, but on the whole, he behaves and is a good boy. 

    - That restaurant wasn't very good... Still I was starving and couldn't wait any longer.

    - Paul doesn't spend much time doing his homework. Mind you, his results are good.

    - My parents won't let me go out in the evening, unless someone can drive me back home. 

    - For us all, that's to say for my friends and family, that incident wasn't really important. 




              On the contrary...                                            Unless...


    There you are! No surprise! Go for the test! ... and ace it!   


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    End of the free exercise to learn English: Link words (again!)
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Adverbs | Conjunctions | Linking words | All our lessons and exercises