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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #128382: Idioms: sheep

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    Idioms: sheep - English lesson

    It's known to be gentle and soft, shy, humble...  but to have neither will-power nor discriminating


    intelligence. It follows a "leader", and too bad if this leader isn't really wise...

    Yet, you may have fun counting whole flocks of sheep to go to sleep... 





     To make sheep's eyes at somebody 
     To separate the sheep from the goats                                                                           

     To follow each other like sheep/ They are like a flock of sheep

     A wolf in a sheep's clothing 
     The black sheep of the family... 
     A sheepdog
     A lost/ stray sheep 




    - A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy

    - Death devours lambs as well as sheep

    - Shear the sheep but don't flay them

    - Better to lose the wool than the sheep




    - Better be hanged for a sheep than a lamb...

    - A bleating sheep loses a mouthful... 

    - The sheep is in the sheepfold

    - It's a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor




    Don't count too many... and remain concentrated for the test... It's not difficult at all! Go for it, 

    and thanks for working with me!  


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    English exercise "Idioms: sheep" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. When the shepherd noticed , he ordered the dog to bring it back to the flock.

    2. 'Stop complaining for nothing and remember that loses a mouthful…'

    3. 'Don’t all the girls of the group… Your girlfriend looks quite angry at you…'

    4. 'They’re like a and would follow you anywhere without protesting…'

    5. 'Devon is wild and rebellious… He likes to think he is of the family…'

    6. 'Don’t trust Susie, your co-worker… She’s and will steal your position if she can…'

    7. 'I’m old enough to go to the party unsupervised… I really don’t need . Don’t worry!'

    8. will teach you how to count, but it won’t help you fall asleep…

    9. Some young people , following the latest fashion and dressing the same, as if they were wearing a uniform…

    10. 'For the group work, I won’t and will mix the calm students and troublemakers…'

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Idioms: sheep
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Animals | Idioms | All our lessons and exercises