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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #128383: Idioms and surprises
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Making portraits, describing | Idioms [Change theme]
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    Idioms and surprises

    Choose the right idioms.

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    English exercise "Idioms and surprises" created by chocolatcitron with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chocolatcitron]
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    1. As their favourite restaurant , her husband looked for another good address to invite her to dinner. Next Friday will be their first meeting anniversary. She has forgotten the date, but he hasn't. He is a very romantic husband !

    2. He for him, living in the capital of the country, because there are so many restaurants here!

    3. It all the restaurants in the city for almost a week, before reserving a table for tonight.

    4. "Here, it will be classy: there will be music to the customers’ taste in the private room." the husband thought excited about the surprise to come. My wife will be !

    5. That night : « It was not worth ! » she said to him quite annoyed…

    6. He stood there flabbergasted, he was so surprised with his eyes were out on stalks and his open mouth that it gave him a stupid lover look... She and even had hysterics!

    7. So, he understood then that she , because he had locked himself in the office for the past few days without telling her anything. She had even heard him when he was talking to his secretary.

    8. After , in a whisper, for her inappropriate jealousy and her lack of confidence in her husband,

    9. she began !

    10. This sumptuous and deeply romantic decor did not fit with the pitiful image they offered to the amused and embarrassed waiters, seeming impassive and still ready to serve them with a snap of their fingers! "Well, , honey!"

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Idioms and surprises
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Making portraits, describing | Idioms | All our lessons and exercises