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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #128391: Idioms: shouting, screaming, yelling
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    Idioms: shouting, screaming, yelling

    "Don't shout!", "Be quiet!", "You're deafening me..."; how many times have you heard
    these words, as kids, adolescents and even adults, sometimes?


    Shouting is rude, it's disrespectful! 

    Yet, shouting is allowed to call for help (advisedly...), if you're suffering a lot, or are

    extremely frightened...


     To shout/ to yell// a shout/ a yell 
     To scream/ to howl// a scream/ a howl                                                                      
     To shriek / a shriek 
     To cry out/ to exclaim   
     To bawl 
     To shout for help
     To shout at sb
     To shout something out to sb                    
     To scream/ howl with pain 


         She's shrieking with pain...                                                             The dog's howling...


     To whisper/ a whisper   
     To mumble / a mumble                                                                                               
     To mutter/ a mutter
     To clear one's throat 

    - To whisper something, to say something in a whisper

    - To whisper back, to answer in a whisper


                    He's shouting for help                                                     To clear one's throat

     To moan/ to groan// a moan/ a groan  
     To grunt/ a grunt 
     To snarl/ to growl// a snarl/ a growl                                                                               
     To croak 


                He's whispering in her ear                                        They're cheering their team                                              

     To cheer/ cheering 
     To stammer/ To stutter// a stammer/ a stutter                                                    
     A stammerer/ a stutterer 
     To whistle/ to give a whistle 
     To sigh/ to give a sigh// a sigh  



      To whistle(general action) He was whistling (action in progress).

    - but: To give a whistle: (a punctual action) He gave a whistle when

    he saw the vintage car.


           ... with one voice...                                                        He's st-st-st-stammering...

    - His voice is breaking

    - To speak in a low/ loud voice

    - To have lost one's voice

    - To have a deep voice

    - To have a thin voice



                                                     As loud as you can...

     A stentorian voice                                                                                             
     gravelly/ rasping

    - an inside voice: a calm, quiet and controlled voice, appropriate for an indoor place;                         

    // an outside voice: a wild, loud or uncontrolled voice, not appropriate for an indoor place. 

    - ... at the top of your voice: as loud as you can. 

    - To find one's voice: to find one's own artistic style. 

    - To keep one's voice down: to speak in a hushed voice or whisper; 

    - To make one's voice heard: to make sure that one's opinion or point of view is heard.  

    - To raise one's voice against an idea: to condemn or oppose someone or something.

    - your still small voice: your conscience (religious meaning)

    - with one voice: unanimously

    - A good voice to beg bacon: to mock a voice as being unpleasant, harsh or inadequate. 

    - A voice crying in the wilderness: expressing an unpopular idea that's refused. 


     I hope you didn't shout with horror, or with pain... and that you are quietly going to face

    the test! Go for it... and thanks for working with me!   


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    9. After falling down, the kid and fear, but was soon consoled…

    10. When he saw that sexy girl, Martin , which, as I told him, was very rude…



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