Brief reminder of Part 1 (without mistake ) : Louis XV, encouraged by Madame de Pompadour, financed the creation of the Manufacture de Vincennes in 1740 for the manufacture of soft porcelain. François-Xavier d ' Entrecolles, Father Jesuit in China, studied and revealed in 1712, the composition and the secrets of the manufacture of Chinese porcelain. He is in fact at the origin of the production of porcelain in Europe. In 1752, the Manufacture de Vincennes became royal and responded to large-scale orders. The Manufacture enjoyed great renown and in order to meet the ever-growing orders, it was transfered to Sevres in 1756, into a larger building. In 1768, Pierre-Joseph Macquer and Robert Millot, two reserchers at the Sèvres Manufactory, discovered the first French kaolin deposit near Limoges and the proceess for producing hard-paste porcelain. From this date onwards, the Manufacture succesfully produced soft-paste and hard-paste porcelain. It was also during this period that the most beautiful and characteristic colours were invented. The most beautiful pieces are decorated with scenes inspired by engravings according to great painters or ornementalists. Some motifs require up to 300 hours of work. The productions are characterised by their modernity and the diversity of styles. From 1800 and for 47 years, Alexandre Brongniard was apointed head of the Manufacture. This scientist will give it an international reputation. He also created the National Museum of Ceramics to exibit all styles of ceramics from all countries and all periods. He developped new techniques, such as sizing and casting, which won him many compliments at the World ' s Fair. Today, a few thousand pieces are produced each year for the State (Elysée, Matignon,. Matignon, ) as well as the marketing in the Sèvres galery for the art fairs opened in the different capitales. |