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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #128832: Vocabulary: the courts

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    Vocabulary: the courts

    Courts! Whatever they are, courts are always intimidating, and people don't feel like


    spending time there... Many protagonists are confronting one another, and what's at

    stake in this confrontation is often very important...





     A case 
     A trial 
     A lawsuit   
     To go to law 
     To take a case to court 
     To take somebody to court/ to sue somebody   
     To try somebody
     A (law) court
     The courthouse 
     The court room 
     The defendant/ the accused                                                                                      
     The defence/ defense
     To defend somebody 




    - To lodge a complaint against sb/ about somebody

    - To bring an action against sb/ to take proceedings against somebody: 

    - To be tried for murder/ theft

    - The counsel for the defence (GB)/ the defense counsel (US)



                   A judge's duty                                                           Taking an oath on the Bible


     The plaintiff 
     The prosecution 
     An accusation/ a charge 
     To accuse somebody of something                    
     To prosecute 
     A judge
     A witness/ to hear a witness                                                                                         
     To give evidence
     To take the oath
     To be under oath
     To commit perjury
     A clue
     A proof of stg/ evidence of sth  
     An exhibit
     An alibi


            Looking for clues.                                                              "The man in the dock"


    - The public prosecutor (GB)/ the public attorney(US)

    - "Yes, your honour"!

    - To appear before a court

    - The witness box (GB)/ the witness stand (US)

    - To convict sb/ to find sb guilty



         "The truth, the whole truth..."                                           Looking for a culprit


     To plead guilty/ not guilty                                                                                     
     in the dock
     The jury/ a juror
     To deliberate
     The verdict
     innocent of sth/ guilty of sth
     a culprit 
     An acquittal/ to acquit sb 
     To release sb on bail
     To pardon sb
     To (lodge an) appeal



               "members of the jury..."                                              A release on bail


    That's it! You're ready for the test which isn't difficult!  Go for it!  




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    A) In the box, the stared arrogantly at the witnesses and grinned… Very scary…

    B) When the first , we could see that his hand was trembling…

    C) The high-profile murder drew a lot of reporters and legal specialists… A real crowd…

    D) A very solemn , dressed in scarlet, declared the session open and presided over it…

    E) The detectives put gloves on and searched the house for to solve the case.

    F) When the came back

    G) The government declared that the unpopular Law would be and amended.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Vocabulary: the courts
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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