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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #128904: Vocabulary: arithmetic and counting

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    Vocabulary: arithmetic and counting

    The only sound of the words 'mathematics' or 'arithmetic' gives some of us the shivers... Yet, some



    of these notions are useful in our daily lives, and we can't do without basic knowledge of them.

    The optimists and the people who love maths say that it's a 'universal language'! Therefore if you

    attend a math lesson in a foreign country, you're most likely to understand and be able to participate!

    This is good news, isn't it?


      Statistics is important...


     Mathematics + singular 
     maths (GB)/ math (US)
     mathematical/ a mathematician                                                                                                     
     statistics (singular)
     statistics (plural) 
     statistical/ a statistician
     arithmetic/ counting 
     a sign/ a symbol 




     A number                                                                                                                                        
     An even/ odd number                        
     A whole number/ an integer 
     A prime number 
     A figure/ a numeral 
     A digit/ a figure 

     A four-figure number

     A four-digit number 

     A decimal
     The decimal point 
     A calculation 
     A sum
     Mental arithmetic 



      2, 413


    - To write out a number in figures

    - To calculate/ to reckon/ to compute/ to work out

    - To count up to ten

     A factor  a variable 
     A formula  a constant 
     An equation  a function 
     A unit  a logarithm                                                    
     A problem  To solve 
     The answer/ the solution                                    To count


    To halve an apple

    - What do you reckon? 

    - by my reckoning/ according to my calculations

    - I get 406/ I make it 406

    - your calculations are out/ are wrong

     Addition   A substraction
     An addition/ a sum  

     To take away from 

     To add up/ to reckon up   To substract from 
     plus/ a plus   minus/ a minus sign  

     Multiplication  Division 
     To multiply by   To divide 12 by 6/ 6 into 12                                         
     Multiplication tables                                                   indivisible 




    - 12 plus 8 is 20// 12 and 8 make 20

    - 20 minus 2 is 12

    - The three/ four times table

    - It won't divide by 5/ It's not divisible by 5




     To equal/ to be equal to 
     To amount to / to total 
     To carry 
     Double/ to double 
     treble/ to treble
     A percentage 
     per cent 
     a ratio
     proportional to 
     the average/ on average                                                                                           
     the square root 
     A common fraction 




    - One half/ one third/ two thirds

    - four and a half


    I hope I didn't give you a headache...  I hope this lesson will be useful to you one day! 

    Go for the test!  


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    1. 'In your English exercise, you are given sentences with numbers written in full letters. You’ll have to . Easy, isn’t it?'

    2. It took the student half an hour to this difficult problem…

    3. 'As you’ve helped me, the fair solution is to our gain: you agree, don’t you?'

    4. 'My new bank code is : I have chosen your date of birth…'

    5. 'Your exercise is wrong! You have found 6.48 and it says the answer is an …'

    6. 'I’ve always been good at and loved it when we did that at school.'

    7. 'Would you rather have of this delicious chocolate cake or half of it?' 'I give you two guesses…'

    8. 'No, the result can’t be 542! I said the result was an !'

    9. 'You've miscalculated... Look! ... that's where your mistake is! '

    10. This exercise was a success! The mark of the students of this group was exceptionally high…





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