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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #128950: Dictation : Paris - The restoration of Notre-Dame 1/2
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    Dictation : Paris - The restoration of Notre-Dame 1/2

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    A gigantic fire brauke out in the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris on 15 April 2019, lasting almost 15 hours. The fire started in the late afternoon inside the roof structure and quickly grew to considerable proportions. The flames completely destroyed the spire, the roofs of the nave and transept and the roof structure. Thousands of people spontaneouly made their way along the quays of the Seine. Night had long since falen, but onlookers continued to flock. The atmosphere was heavy, silent, almost mufled, with tears streaming down colapsed faces. At regular intervals, the applause of the crowd seemed to thank and encourage the firemen for their efforts.

    Four years after lengty safety and consolidation work completed in 2021, the building began its rebirth. During this periode, a vast mobilisation made it possible to ensure the success of complex operations (dismantling of the scaffolding, removal of the great organ, installation of wooden hangers under the buttresses, etc. ). Archaeological excavation were carried out and uncovered a lead sarcophagus which most probably revaled the burial of a high dignitary and fragments of the ancient rood screen*. The fire caused about 15% of the cathedral ' s vaults to collapse. As a result, 1000 m3 of stone blocks were needed. Nine qarries in the Oise and Aisne regions were identified to provide stones compatible with the original stones.

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