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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #129336: Dictation - Volcanoes - Their Creation 1/2
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    Dictation - Volcanoes - Their Creation 1/2

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    The world has some beautiful landscapes, but some can be frigtening, especially when faced with a living, breathing mountain that from time to time releeses gas, spews ash and hurlls hot blocks of rock. Not having the skills of a vulcanologist, I will try to explain briefly the formation of a volcano and how it works. It is the eruption of magma from the depths of the earth that forms the inpressive mountains known as volcanos. They occurs along tectonic plates, where the Earth ' s crust breaks, folds, compresses or slides. In the Earth ' s interior, magma, created in a layer of the Earth called the ' mantle ' , is made up of gas and molten rock caused by high pressure and high temperature (700-1200 °C ). So, when these plates colide, causing more and more compression, the gas separeates from the magma. It forms bubles, which try to rise to the surface. It carries the magma with it, which rises to the cratere : this is the eruption.

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