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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #129420: Wear or dress?

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    Wear or dress?

    A frequent confusion is related to the action of getting dressed...



    Very often, students mix up several verbs or expressions. Yet, they 

    have their own characteristics and uses... let's see them...


    1) To dress/ to be dressed/ to get dressed.

    a) To dress somebody: to put clothing on or upon someone. 

    - Will you help me dress the baby. I have to take care of Luke now...


    b) To be dressed: wearing clothes. 

    - He was dressed too formally for the occasion.

    c) To get dressed: to put on clothes 

    - Go and get dressed now; if you don't hurry, you will be late . 





     To dress oneself (the pronoun is only specified if the speaker wants to insist on

    the fact that the person is acting alone, without help. 

    - Look! Little Tommy has dressed himself this morning! He's very proud of it !


    2) To wear clothes/ to put on clothes/ to take off clothes/

    a) To wear clothes: to be dressed with

    - She was wearing a dark-blue dress in velvet and looked like a princess. 




    * To put on clothes/ shoes: to dress oneself

    // to take off clothes/ shoes: to undress

    - Take off your shoes and put on your wellies! It's raining cats and dogs...



    * To wear black: to wear black clothes

    - The boys were wearing green trousers and white Tee-shirts with a logo. 



     In a more formal style, use 'to be dressed in' 

    - He was dressed in a black suit and wore a top hat. 


    There you are! You can see that finally, the choice isn't complicated...

    Besides, there are few expressions to remember!

    Good luck for the test! and thanks for working with us...




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    A. 'Oh, Timmy! You’ve played in the rain again and are wet through… your clothes and your pyjamas after your bath…'

    B. 'No, I can’t tell you for the party. It’s up to you. But don’t forget it’s much better to feel comfortable in order to dance.'

    C. 'To come to work, I always sneakers to be comfortable, but my formal shoes are in my locker!'

    D. 'Now that your broken arm has recovered, you should try to . I’ll be here to help if you can’t do it.'

    E. 'I’m sorry you’ll have to wait a little. Mum is but will be ready in a minute.'

    F. 'Of course not! I won’t be high-heels… I can’t walk in high heels and would be sure to fall down.'

    G. 'The weather has been so changing these days that I really don’t know what to in order to feel just fine.'

    'Yes, I remember the woman… She was a green hat like Queen Elizabeth’s, and she was bright green too.'

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Wear or dress?
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Making portraits, describing | Synonyms | Clothes | All our lessons and exercises