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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #129559: Antonyms
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Opposite words | Making portraits, describing | Find the word [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Describing a face - Describing a picture - Whereas, Unless, Contrary to : contrasts - Adjectives: where to place them? - Vocabulary: sight - Vocabulary: room, place or space - Cause and consequence - Vocabulary: Truth and falsehood
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    Choose the antonyms in the sentences.

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    English exercise "Antonyms" created by chocolatcitron with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chocolatcitron]
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    1. Keeping everything in proportion, the of this house did not exceed one-third of its LENGTH.

    2. This soccer club dreamt about their VICTORY but obtained a bitter : four to zero, they had badly played.

    3. They had put an INNOCENT man in jail although the was still running free, safe and sound! The justice of men is not always fair!

    4. Can you really make a out of your ENEMY? I don't believe it.

    5. Don't you prefer HARMONY to ? So why do you make so much fuss about trifles that aren't worth wasting your breath?

    6. Their SON is the eldest, their the youngest, and in the middle are the twins, and his wife is pregnant again : they are going to have to move!

    7. In the world of song, Georges was still a on a point of becoming a GIANT.

    8. Those who live during the DAY do not understand those who prefer to live at . They are called night owls.

    9. His GAIN of thirty euros will not erase the of his work. He has to find a job right away!

    10. The book "EAST Wind, Wind" by Pearl Buck opposes two inherited cultures: American culture and Chinese culture: it's particularly interesting to read it!

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Antonyms
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Opposite words | Making portraits, describing | Find the word | All our lessons and exercises