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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #129584: Vocabulary and expressions: hope

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    Vocabulary and expressions: hope


    At the beginning of this New year, I've felt like speaking about HOPE... 

    A blank page, or almost, is offered to us!... but so many obligations, so much irritation coming

    from the outside will face us and force us to tarnish the page that we would have liked to be 

    radiant... The matter here, at any rate, will help you to be surrounded with hope. It might also

    succeed in reminding us that Hope exists...

    We'll learn first, how to name it and perhaps, how to realise it!  



                                                                     False hope

     To hope for stg 
     A ray of hope 

     A glimmer/ beacon of hope/

     A spark of hope 

     A false hope
     A pipe dream 
     To have one's hopes up 
     To hope on/ to keep hope alive                                                                                           
     To have high hopes 

    In French, there are "Espoir" and "Espérance." 

    'L'espoir' is waiting and wishing for something better for yourselves and others.

    'L'espérance' ia pure confidence, disinterested in the future.  

    Hope? expect?

    both verbs refer to something that will happen in the future. 

    However, 'hope' is used when we are not sure whether things will turn out the way we want; 

    'expect' is when we look forward to it happening and seeing that it does not hurt us. 




     To cling to hope  
     To pin one's hopes on something                                                                                             
     To raise hopes
     A sliver of hope
     A faint hope/ a forlorn hope 
     To give up hope
     The last hope
     To put hope in the back seat                             
     To be beyond hope




    - Keep your chin up! (Stay positive. Things are going to be better!)

    - Sky's the limit! (Dream big!)

    - The world is your oyster! (You can do whatever you want!) 




    - Hang in there! (Keep trying!)

    - Break a leg! ("Good luck!") 



    - It's in the bag!(almost certain to be obtained or achieved)

    - Light at the end of the tunnel! (a possibility of success, relief.) 

    - Look on the bright side! (Be optimistic despite difficulties!) 


                                                       A blessing in disguise...

    - A blessing in disguise! (an apparent misfortune that eventually has good results.)

    - Fingers crossed! (Croisons les doigts!)

    - Every cloud has a silver lining! 

    (a comforting or hopeful aspect of an otherwise desperate or unhappy situation)




    Let's keep hope and do our best to help realise all that is possible! 

    Go for the test! 



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