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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #129819: Count and non-count nouns: a-an-some

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    Count and non-count nouns: a-an-some

    1.We don't use a/an with non-count nouns.

    He needs some advice. = correct

    He needs an advice = incorrect.

    2. Most non-count nouns don't take '-s' (exception 'news').

    He has some baggage = correct.

    He has some baggages = incorrect.

    3. We use a/an/some with count nouns.

        He has a book/ an apple/ some books/some apples.

    Here the nouns after 'some' take -'s'.

    4. Count words that have irregular plurals don't take -'s'

       I saw one man and one child. She saw some men and some children.

    5.The following nouns are usually non-count:

    information/ advice/ weather /news/ hair/ furniture/ work/ baggage/luggage/ bread /equipment/ fruit/software.

    6.Some nouns can be either count or non-count depending on the meaning.

    I need some coffee.( 'coffee' in general)

    I need a coffee.  = a (cup of) coffee.

    INSTRUCTIONS:Write a/an/some if possible.

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    English exercise "Count and non-count nouns: a-an-some" created by ddec with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from ddec]
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    1. He reads newspaper regularly.

    2. Let's buy umbrella.

    3. I have good news.

    4. The computer needs software.

    5. Here's money for you.

    6. He'd like information about the conference.

    7. Can you give me phone call tomorrow?

    8. That's nice table.

    9. There are men waiting downstairs.

    10. You have nice furniture in your living room.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Count and non-count nouns: a-an-some
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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