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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #129825: Vocabulary: the weather
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    Vocabulary: the weather

    The weather, meteorology... This is one of the favourite conversation topics for British people!





    Alas, it has also become one of the main concerns of many inhabitants in various areas...

    Throughout the year, farmers and wine-growers worry about the weather destroying their

    crops, rural dwellers as well as shoreline residents and even city-dwellers watch brooks

    and rivers as well as tides...

    That's why I thought it necessary not to ignore this aspect of our daily life...


      Weather conditions 
     The weather forecast                                                                                          


                   A barometer                                                      A weathercock

     A barometer/ a glass                                                                                      
     barometric pressure 
     a weathercock 
     the climate 
     a cold/ hot climate                                                                                                           

    - the barometer is set at fair/ is pointing to rain

    - good weather/ the weather's fine/ it's a nice day



                An overcast sky

     A cloud/ cloudy                                           
     To cloud over 
     To get worse                                         

    - It looks like rain/ snow!


      Unsettled weather

     A shower 
     April showers                                                                                                          
     A rainy day 


                         Sleet                                Gusts of wind cause umbrellas to overturn

     Hail/ to hail/ a hailstone                                
     Fog/ foggy/ 
     Mist/ misty
     Wind/ windy                                                                                                       
     a gust of wind 

     - There was hardly a breath of wind! 

    -  There's a wind blowing

    -  A high wind/ a strong wind/ the prevailing wind

     A storm/ a gale  
     A howling gale 
     A hurricane 
     To rage 
     A thunderstorm 
     Thundery/ stormy                                       
     A clap of thunder/ to thunder                                                                              
     A lightning conductor 


       Flashes of lightning 

    - It's blowing a gale! 

    - A strong gust of wind

    - There were flashes of lightning/ The lightning flashed

    - Lightning has struck


       A blanket of snow                       White frost

     Frost/ white frost 
     To freeze (froze, frozen)
     To ice frost/ frost over                                                                                            
     Black ice
     Snow/ snowy 
     A snowfall 
     A blanket of snow
     A snowdrift 
     To melt 

    - There will be a hard frost

    - It will be a frosty morning! 

    - a sheet of black ice


     Black ice

    If you need to go further, please, see test 'rain, and more rain...', and test 

    Vocabulary: natural catastrophes


    Anyway, this recent lesson will be quite sufficient to pass the test with high colours!

    Go for it! 

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    A. Global warming causes change, which poses a serious threat to life on Earth.

    B. When walking through the London Borough of Kensington, look at the mansions and their well-known . Quite quaint and interesting, aren't they?

    C. The sky was so that I thought it wiser to wear a raincoat and carry an umbrella.

    D. This year, started very early all over Western Europe, causing floods in many areas...

    E. The were so high in the streets that I lost my car, which was thus totally invisible.

    F. Driving through the forest in winter, you must be careful not to slide on a , especially on the shady side of the road.

    G. Paradoxically, many kids are afraid of , but much less frightened by lightning though it is quite dangerous.

    H. 'It's a real catastrophe, as big as golf balls have ruined vineyards in some areas near Bordeaux.'

    I. After a terrible , the tiny sailing boat capsized... the sailor should have taken into account.

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