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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #130123: Reluctant, insecure, superstitious

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Adjectives [Change theme]
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    Reluctant, insecure, superstitious

    The three adjectives of the title appear frequently in books!


    and you can enrich your vocabulary by learning them!


    reluctant = hesitating before doing something because you do not want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to do.

    Example :

    I only lend my rubber reluctantly, because I have only one.


    insecure = not confident about yourself or your relationships with other people.


    Usually preferring silence and solitude, I felt very insecure in this disco with all these people making so much noise.


    superstitious = believing in superstitions.

    superstition = the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science; the belief that particular events bring good or bad luck.


    Superstitious as Sally is, she doesn't work on the 13th day of a month because she believes that all her efforts will fail on such a day.


    In the following test, make the correct choice among the three adjectives!

    Good luck!


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    English exercise "Reluctant, insecure, superstitious" created by flori10 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from flori10]
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    1. Brian thinks that he can digest his food easier if he handles his knife only with his left hand. He is quite .

    2. Having an ugly scar on her forehead, Daphne often feels when dating a man.

    3. The way in which you placed the ladder at the wall is . I woudn't risk to climb up there.

    4. The Kevin believes that getting up at exactly 4:44 am will bring him success in life.

    5. I have not much in common with my mother so I always feel when having to talk to her.

    6. , she offered a bit of bread to him. But it was obvious that she wanted to eat everything herself.

    7. as Daphne is, she believes that the stars in that particular formation tell her the initials of her future husband.

    8. She handed him the keys for her car only because she had no trust in his driving skills.

    9. The beauty of my girlfriend makes me always feel a bit in her company. I don't know why. Maybe because I'm not that pretty.

    10. Don't be ! Whether you fall asleep at 22:22 pm or at 22:30 pm has no effect on your well-being.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Reluctant, insecure, superstitious
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Adjectives | All our lessons and exercises