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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #130147: Emphasis with 'What ... + is/was'
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    Emphasis with 'What ... + is/was'

    Look at these examples:


    1) Money makes you happy. -> What makes you happy is money.

    2) Peter should learn more English. -> What Peter should do is learn more English.

    3) Fanny goes to the swimming pool on Saturday. -> What Fanny does on Saturday is go to the swimming pool.

    4) Treena bought a necklace.  -> What Treena did was buy a necklace.

    5) Treena bought a necklace. -> What Treena bought was a necklace.


    In the following test, put emphasis on the underlined part like in the examples above.

    Good luck!

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    English exercise "Emphasis with 'What ... + is/was'" created by flori10 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from flori10]
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    1. Kevin stole a five-pound-note from his boss. -> a five-pound-note from his boss.

    2. Camilla ought to brush her teeth more thoroughly. -> her teeth more thoroughly.

    3. You should not eat yellow snow. -> eat yellow snow.

    4. Treena plays the guitar. -> the guitar.

    5. Anna apologised for her mistake. -> for her mistake.

    6. I desperately need some rest now. .

    7. Eating Amaranth sprouts for breakfast is really healthy. -> Amaranth sprouts for breakfast.

    8. Nathan can come on Friday evening. -> on Friday evening.

    9. I work very hard. -> work very hard.

    10. Brian didn't tie his shoelaces. -> his shoelaces.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Emphasis with 'What ... + is/was'
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Demonstrative pronouns | Making portraits, describing | All our lessons and exercises