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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #130212: Dictation - The stars 1/2
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    Dictation - The stars 1/2

    Find 10 mistakes in this text.
    On a beautiful summer ' s night, our eyes are atracted to the number of stars in the sky. Yet these semingly fixed points of light are all light years away from Earth. But what do we know about the existence of these stars, which have a live cycle?
    It is at the heart of nebule that we find the cradle of stars. The temperature of this ' cradle ' can vary considerebly depending on their type and astronomical contexte. Some are extremely cold, while others are incredibly hot, but all play an essential role in the formation and evolution of stars. Nebulae are vast cloud made up of gas (hydrogen and helium ) and dust, which are tiny particules that clump together. These ‘corpuscles’ increase in volume by attracting more matter, thank to their gravity. As a result, this environment becomes a dark cluter of extremely dense dust and gas within the interplanetary medium.

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