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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #130235: False friends
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: False friends [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: advising-ordering - Vocabulary: chance - False friends: nouns-B - Let's come or Let's go - Chance and idioms - False friends: nouns- C - Other words - False-friends nouns-D 1/2
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    False friends

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    English exercise "False friends" created by eos17 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from eos17]
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    1. We go to Paris to the swimming events of the Olympic Games.

    2. Please, you have to the text we read for tomorrow.

    3. Why do you give her this ?

    4. Where are you going? I'm going to the to get documents for my master's dissertation.

    5. I'm giving you a and next time, you'll be fired!

    6. It's very to have a mobile phone!

    7. To translate this text is truly work!

    8. Marie has a against Paul who lied to her.

    9. A young leads the musicians.

    10. His was transformed by the makeup! He was unrecognised.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: False friends
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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