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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #130306: Concession

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Adverbs [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Adverbs of frequency - Adjectives and adverbs - Adverbs of frequency - Adverbs - Adverbs of frequency - Adverbs in sentences (lesson + exercise) - Adverbs : Till-Until- As far as-Up to - Adverbs of degree
    > Double-click on words you don't understand



    Conceding something means granting someone something as a favor, sometimes reluctantly admitting that something must be accepted.  

    Concession may be expressed using conjunctions [though/ although/ even though],

    prepositions [ despite/ in spite of], or adverbs [nevertheless/ still/ yet], [however]. 



    - Although he is quite old, he's very strong.


    - Pat went on working, even though he was exhausted.



    2) DESPITE/ IN SPITE OF: (followed by a noun phrase)

    - In spite of the noise, the baby was fast asleep...


    - She remained humble, despite her enormous wealth...





    - The coat was expensive. Nevertheless, Paula couldn't resist and bought it. 


    - Yes, the weather looks fine; still, you should take a raincoat...


    - He can be difficult to live with, however, she loves him... 




    4) HOWEVER + adjective/ adverb: 

    - However difficult it seems, I know you'll solve this problem. 




    - However fast he drives, he'll be late for his train...





    You will certainly have noticed that the structures of the sentences depend on the choice

    of the link words you will use (or vice versa!)

    It's all a question of training: practise and practise again till all these constructions become


    The test will help you! Go for it!  

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    English exercise "Concession" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. 'I promise I'll do it; it's for the villagers' good, it's against my convictions...'

    2. 'I know this job is dangerous; I'll try to do it, paying great attention to security measures...'

    3. 'I'll obey his orders, I'm totally opposed to any cooperation with his officers.'

    4. He won't give up the search, exhausted he is.

    5. his height and his strength, he is shy and reserved...

    6. Kevin didn't help his father, he had promised to spend the afternoon working with him.

    7. He hadn't had his breakfast yet, , he wasn't feeling hungry at all.

    8. hard he tried to imagine the scene, he couldn't picture his life alone in that big empty house.

    9. Tim arrived on time the train strike and the long hour's walk...

    10. intelligent he thought himself to be, he was finally less successful than his brother because he had worked much less.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Concession
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Adverbs | All our lessons and exercises