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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #130479: Letter or latter

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    Letter or latter

    A letter is a written or printed communication sent to someone, usually by post or electronically. It can be a formal document or a personal message to a friend or relative.



    • I received a letter from my sister today.
    • She wrote a letter of complaint to the company.
    • E-mails are modern letters.

    The latter

    The latter refers to the second of two things or people that have just been mentioned. It is used to avoid repeating the second item's name.


    • Tom and Gustav are both kind people, but the latter (Gustav) even donates huge amounts of money to yoga organizations.
    • We could go to the cinema or the theatre. I'd prefer the latter.
    • Between wealth and health, the latter is more important.

    Key Difference:

    A letter is a physical or digital message. The latter is a word used for the second of two previously mentioned items.


    Now, it's up to you to fill in the gaps in the following test with either "letter" or "latter". Good luck!

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    English exercise "Letter or latter" created by flori10 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from flori10]
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    1. Brian and Steve are both good football players but the is often injured and can't play.

    2. When Steve is in hospital, Brian writes to him.

    3. In the that Brian writes to Steve,

    4. he warns the not to take every poisonous medecine the doctors recommend.

    5. But the often doesn't take the warnings of Brian seriously.

    6. Doctor Rich and doctor Irresponsible are in charge of the hospital. Neither is careful in what they give their patients but the one is the more dangerous,

    7. having already killed several patients. The that doctor Irresponsible receives afterwards from the left-behind widows are not polite for sure.

    8. But doctor Irresponsible usually ignores those and continues to experiment with new medecine.

    9. One day, a colleague pharmacist wrote him a in which he asked him to test medicine A and medicine B on patients of his.

    10. Due to hard luck, Brian and Steve had both got injured in the last football match. The received medicine B which turned out to be fatal and Brian hadn't been able to help because he had been in a coma for several days after having taken medicine A.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Letter or latter
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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