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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #130480: Gerund

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: -ing [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Adjectives-ing and ed - FOR and its use - Gerund - TO + verb base or TO + V + ing - Look forward to/be used to - Past Simple or Past Continuous - Gerunds - Gerunds or Infinitives
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    Bien sûr, voici la traduction de votre cours d'anglais sur les verbes en "-ing" :

    Verbs ending in -ing: The Gerund

    The gerund (the -ing form) is a verb form that is widely used in English. It can have several functions and is often a source of confusion for learners. Here are the main cases where the gerund is used:

    1. Common expressions:

    Some idiomatic expressions systematically use the -ing form:

    • Spend time doing something
    • Be busy doing something
    • Have problems doing something
    • Be used to/Get used to doing something
    • Look forward to doing something
    • It's no use doing something
    • There's no point doing something
    • It's worthwhile doing something

    2. After prepositions:

    The gerund is used after most prepositions:

    • on, with, by, off, in, at, for, about, after, before, during, etc.

    Example: After eating, please clear the table.




    3. After certain verbs:

    Some verbs are always followed by the gerund. Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of the most common ones:

    • enjoy, can't stand, mind, suggest, miss, dread, avoid, finish, postpone, consider, imagine, keep, practice, recommend, report, risk, stop (in the sense of "to cease")

    Example: I enjoy reading books.

    4. Verbs followed by the gerund or the infinitive:

    Some verbs can be followed by either the gerund or the infinitive, but the meaning may vary slightly:

    • like, love, prefer, hate, start, stop, forget, remember, try, need


    • I like swimming. (I enjoy swimming - general activity)
    • I like to swim. (I like to swim - in a particular context)

    In this exercise, we will focus on the -ing form.

    5. "Go + -ing" for sports and leisure activities:

    We use "go + -ing" to talk about certain sports and leisure activities:

    • go swimming, go dancing, go running, go fishing, go shopping, etc.

    Example: I often go swimming in the summer.


    In general, verbs followed by the gerund express a continuous action, a habit, an emotion, or a preference.

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    1. I didn't forget to post the letter.I remember

    2. This camera is so complicated. I will never get used to

    3. I really like sports.I especially enjoy

    4. Your was so noisy!

    5. I detest shopping. I can't stand

    6. You are asking what we can do this evening. I suggest

    7. Be careful! Before

    8. You can open the safe by

    9. Hurrah! It's the last day of work. I'm looking forward to

    10. I have respiratory problems. Would you mind

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Gerund
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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