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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #130516: "BE" in the present tense, negative form

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: BE, HAVE, DO, DID, WAS... [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Questions : how to ask them - Do-don't-does-doesn't - Do/does/did: affirmative, interrogative and negative forms - Gone or been - Who's... / Whose... - Emphatic "do/did" - Have you got / Do you have - Will and Would: a little further
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    "BE" in the present tense, negative form

    The verb "BE" in the present tense, negative form

    It is essential to master it because it is very frequently used in English.

    Forms of the verb "BE" in the present tense, negative formPersonFull formContracted form
    II am notI'm not
    YouYou are notYou aren't
    HeHe is notHe isn't
    SheShe is notShe isn't
    ItIt is notIt isn't
    WeWe are notWe aren't 1
    TheyThey are notThey aren't

    • I am not a doctor.
    • You aren't a student.
    • He isn't tall.
    • She isn't happy.
    • It isn't raining.
    • We aren't from London.
    • They aren't teachers.
    • The contracted form is more common in spoken English and in informal written English.
    • The full form is used in a more formal style or to emphasize the negation.

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    English exercise ""BE" in the present tense, negative form" created by amande0218 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from amande0218]
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    1. Richie my best friend.

    2. He in my school.

    3. Amelia and Chelsea tennis players.

    4. The flag of Ireland red, white and blue.

    5. Sports cars very slow.

    6. You and I fans of Taylor Swift.

    7. I in year 8.

    8. Arsenal and Chelsea basket ball teams.

    9. You very funny.

    10. I 18 years old.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: "BE" in the present tense, negative form
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : BE, HAVE, DO, DID, WAS... | All our lessons and exercises