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Initials / Acronyms 8
- Post Meridiem - (Latin: after noon)
The meeting started at exactly 1:00 PM.
- Prisoner of War
The negotiations regarding POWs continued for many years after the Vietnam war.
- Public Relations
With good PR the politician was able to easily gain the support of many people.
- Parent-Teacher Association
We got home late last night after attending our son's PTA meeting.
- Please Turn Over - written on a piece of paper to tell someone to look at the other side
I wrote PTO on the last page of my essay to make sure that the professor would look at the last page.
- Rest In Peace - used when talking about someone who is dead or sometimes written on a gravestone
At the end of the movie RIP was written on the gravestone of the main character who had been killed.
- Répondez S'il Vous Plaît - French for please reply
The invitation said RSVP so I quickly sent off a note to say that I would be able to attend the party.
- Teaching Assistant
After leaving university he was able to get a job as a TA at the junior college.
- Tuberculosis
For various reasons the number of TB cases has been increasing around the world recently.
- To Be Announced - used when something will be announced later
I looked in the television guide to see what the 7:00 movie would be but it only said TBA.

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