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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #15404: Business words
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    Business words

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    English exercise "Business words" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Demand fell by over 40% which is a drop.

    2. Sales grew by 40 % which is an increase in one year

    3. There was a increase in days lost due to strikes only a couple more than last year.

    4. Losses due to breakage fell marginally just a fall of 0.2 %

    5. Transports costs rose by 1 % a increase in real terms.

    6. The sudden change in weather means we have seen a drop in demand

    7. There has been a increase in demand since the announcement only 5 days ago.

    8. We have seen a increase of 2 or 3 % every month over the last year.

    9. There has been a fall in costs as productivity has risen over the last six months.

    10. There was a increase in staff turnover,only a couple more people than last year.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Business words
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