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Articles and time
We often use zero article with the names of holidays,special times of the year,or with the names of months and days of the week:
-easter -new year's day -September -Monday
but compare:
-I'll see you on Saturday
- they arrived on a Saturday as far as I can remember.
-they arrived on the Saturday after my birthday party.
With winter,summer,spring,autumn and new year (meaning the holiday period),we can often use either the or zero article:
-in (the)summer I try to spend much time in the garden.
-in Scotland,they really know how to celebrate (the) new year.
We use the when it is understood which summer,spring,etc. we mean:
-'when did you meet Beth?' 'in the summer.' (=last summer)
-'when are you going to university?' 'in the autumn.' (=next autumn)
- I first went skiing in the spring of 1992.
We say 'in the new year' to mean at or near the beginning of next year:
- I'll see you again in the new year.
When we want to describe the features of a particular holiday,season,etc.,
we use a/an:
- that was a winter I'll never forget.
*Complete the sentences with a/an, the or zero article(0), whichever is most likely,in the spaces in
these sentences.

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