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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #17620: Articles and Time 2

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Articles | Dates, days, months, seasons [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - A/an - 'The' or nothing? - Countable nouns with a/an and some - Article The and geography - THE or NOTHING? - Article A or AN - Article 'the' / nothing - English date:How to write the small letters after the number
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    Articles and Time 2

    We use the and a/an in the usual way when we talk about the morning/

    afternoon/evening of a particular day:

     - I woke up with a sore throat,and by the evening my voice had disappeared.

     - we're going in the afternoon.

     - you look upset.'yes,I've had a terrible morning.


    However,we use zero article with at night and by night. compare:

     - she kept us awake all through the night.

     - I don't like driving at night.


    We use zero article with midnight,midday, and noon:

     - if possible,I'd like it finished by midday.


    We usually use zero article when we talk about meals:

     - what have we got for dinner?

     - I don't like drinking coffee at breakfast.


    We wouldn't say,for example,'I had a/the breakfast before I went home'

    however,if we want to describe a particular meal,then we can use an article:

     - we didn't get up until 10 o'clock and had a late breakfast.

     - the dinner we had at Webster's restaurant was marvellous.


    When we talk about a formal dinner or lunch for a special occasion,we use 'a dinner' or 'a lunch':

     - we're having a dinner to welcome the new manager.



      *study these extracts from a newspapers and decide which of them need an article (the or a/an).


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    1. They had to spend night in a hotel because the flight was delayed.

    2. They will wake up in morning,and find their video-recorder.

    3. He was often kept awake in morning by their song which floated up through the window.

    4. Some old people go to bed in afternoon because they can't afford to heat their houses.

    5. On Saturday morning,the jury embarked on its most difficult task.

    6. Lights can be used at night.

    7. The storm area grew and drifted southwards during afternoon,while other storms developed over the north.

    8. We can doze off in the sunshine,or wander out at night.

    9. But,then,it was evening of celebration.

    10. In my head was a dream I had during night and I wanted to continue that dream.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Articles and Time 2
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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