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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #17638: Conversation/ have something made
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Speaking [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: greeting people - Vocabulary: on the phone - On the phone - Interacting with someone - Dialogue : What time...? - Conditional clauses - Differences between Like and As - Eating out-Vocabulary
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    Conversation/ have something made




    Suggesting a course of action ( including the speaker)


    -Let's (go for a walk / drive to London ...)

    -Shall we go (shopping / for a swim ...)?

    -We could (go to the park / watch TV ...)?

    -What about / how about (having a drink ...)?

    -We might (stay here ...)?

    -Why don't we / Why not (lie on the sand ...)?

    -I suggest (that) ( we take my car ...)



    Requesting others to do something


    -Would / could you (please) (shut the door / open the window /..)

    -Would you be kind enough to (pass me the sugar ...)?

    -Would you be so kind as to (bring me some milk ...)?

    -Would you mind (taking me to the bank ...)?

    -Can I have (a lump of sugar  ...)?

    -Can I have (my hair cut ...)?



    Inviting others to do something


    -Would you like (to cook this cake...)?

    -What about / how about (washing up ...)?

    -It would be (very) kind of you to (bring back this book ..)

    -Would you mind (making some tea ..)


    Giving order or instructions

    -Stand up / sit down / hurry up / ...

    -Don't talk / do not turn left / ...

    -Do as you're told.

    -You sit on that chair.

    -Go away!

    -Ready? Steady? Go!

    This way please.

    -You are to (sit down / listen to them ...)

    -I want you to (do your homework / stop making that noise /...)

    -You must / mustn't (talk / ...)

    -Make sure you have (locked the door /...)

    -All you have to do is to (open this door / ...)

    -Never (use a sharp object / ...)

    -Turn  (right at the junction).



    Advising others to do something


    -You should (stay here / ...)

    -You ought to ( find a new friend / ...)

    -Why don't you (take a day off / ...)

    -If I were you / if you asked me (I wouldn't do it / ...)

    -You had better (see your teacher / ...)

    -What I propose is (taking your car / ...)

    -You couldn't do / find anything better.

    -Don't you think you should (take a little rest /...)

    -You might (wait for Lucile / send her a gift / ...)



    Warning others


    -Mind (out)!

    -Mind (your head / the step /...)

    -Look out! / Watch out! (danger immédiat)

    -I warn you / I'm warning you / let me warn you (it's hot /...)

    -Careful / be careful of ( the lift / ...)

    -Keep on the lookout!

    -Don't (touch it / ...)

    -Beware of ( this dog)!

    -Watch your step!

    -Look where you're going!

    -Be on your guard!



    Be careful: don't forget the question marks in the exercise.

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    English exercise "Conversation/ have something made" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    Click on words to build sentences. Click on boxes to start again.

    1.Et si nous allions au cinéma?

    2.Je propose que nous regardions un film.

    3.Verrais-tu un inconvénient à ouvrir la fenêtre?

    4.Lève-toi et va à l'école.

    5.Tu ferais mieux d'aller chez le docteur.

    6.Attention à la marche!

    7.Fais attention à ce que tu fais.

    8.Assure-toi que tu as fermé la porte.

    9.Puis-je avoir du lait s'il vous plaît?

    10.Je veux que tu apprennes ta leçon.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Conversation/ have something made
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Speaking | All our lessons and exercises