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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #1843: Matilda 6 : 'Crunchem Hall School'
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    > Similar tests: - Matilda 1 -Indirect speech -> Direct speech - Matilda 7 : ' Two twos are four' - Matilda 5 : 'the parrot' - Matilda 3 - Matilda 4: 'the parrot'
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    Matilda 6 : 'Crunchem Hall School'

      Matilda 6: 'Crunchem Hall School''Miss Trunchbull, the head teacher.' Choose a word to complete the sentences.

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    Most children begin school they are five years old or just before Matilda's parents forgot to send . She was five and a half years old she went for the first . Crunchem Hall School had about two hundred fifty children, and the head teacher was called Miss . She was a terrible woman frightened the children and the teachers: she came near, you could feel danger coming from . And if four or five children got in her , she crashed straight through , pushing them right and . Matilda found herself in a group eighteen other small boys and about her age. Their teacher was Miss and she was about twenty-three. She a pretty face, with blue eyes. She shouted, but she didn't seem to . All the children were fond of .

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