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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #19141: English meals
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Food [Change theme]
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    English meals

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    'British food 'by Raleigh-Georg.

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    English exercise "English meals" created by bridg with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from bridg]
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    How Londoners when they sit down to breakfast think of all the trouble that has gone their table with food so many places? If they are lucky enough, they bacon that perhaps was not long a fat pig grunting about some Wiltshire village or prairie. Their eggs may have been laid in a Sussex poultry farm, or from Brittany beyond the sea. The butter, is the best, be from Dorset or Devon. The corn the bread was made of,probably grew in Australia, in India or in America. For every smoked herring on the table, men's lives must on the sea, hundred of miles away. As for the milk when the Londoners snug in bed, country people were sleepily milking cows Kentish pastures or beneath Surrey hills and the tea or coffee by dark-skinned men in the hot countries of the east.

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