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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #19855: Plural

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Plural [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Plural - Plural forms - Countable or Uncountable? - Plural of words - Verb-singular or plural? - Plural - Plural of nouns - Plural: Nouns ending in -ff, -f, -fe
    > Double-click on words you don't understand


    Rules for Forming Plural Nouns

    Form most plurals by adding 's' to the singular noun.

        book = books

    If the singular noun ends in s, ss, sh, ch, or x,  add 'es' to form a plural noun.

         tax = taxes

    If the noun ends in y preceded by a consonant, change the 'y' to 'i' then add 'es.'

        pony = ponies 

    Some nouns are formed irregularly.

        mouse = mice        child = children

        foot = feet             ox = oxen 

    Can you write the correct plural form for the nouns?

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    English exercise "Plural" created by jonquille with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from jonquille]
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    1. I have a (bottle) of water, but I want two !

    2. There is one (beach) in this town, but there are two in that town.

    3. There are seven (day) in one week.

    4. She has one (box), but she needs three .

    5. Aladdin gave the little girl three (wish) .

    6. The shy, young man gave his girlfriend not one (kiss), but two on her cheek!!

    7. There was only one (candy) left in the jar, so I added more .

    8. Her house has one (room), but my house has five !

    9. She has one (recipe) for pancakes, but I have many .

    10. My sister eats one (sandwich) each day, but my brother eats two .

    11. Her sister has one (baby). Her brother has two .

    12. I saw a (mouse) in my house, but she saw three in her house!

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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