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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #1986: Chat rooms & SMS abbreviations

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    > Similar tests: - Abreviations - Initials / Abbreviations / Acronyms 1 - SMS language: abbreviations and acronyms - Initials / Acronyms 8 - Acronyms V - Abbreviations - Reduced forms - Job search and common abbreviations (US)
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    Chat rooms & SMS abbreviations

     An acronym is a word formed from the first or first few letters of several words. eg: ASAP = As Soon As Possible. This scripted online conversation is full of acronyms. Our friend, Sylvain, finds it very hard to understand them and to engage in conversation. Can you help him decode the acronyms written in red?

    Butterfly3: Hello everybody? How R U?

    Kelly114: Hello Butterfly, glad to C U. I sent you a pm, did you recieir it?

    Butterfly3: SRY, what does 'recieir¡' mean? Is it English?

    Kelly114: No, it's not LOL, just a typing mistake, I meant: 'receive'

    Butterfly3: Ok, THX U

    Kelly114: Have you heard from Kidd09 recently?.

    Sylvain: Hi there! I am fine, and you? I'm a newbie here.

    Butterfly3: Welcome then! ASL? Kelly. Nope, he went to the USA, that's the last I heard from him.

    Sylvain: I am a 19 year-old boy, I live in London, but I'm French. What about you?

    Kelly114: 21, F, Nottingham. To Butterfly: W@?! He's in the USA?! How lucky!

    Butterfly3: Yes. Oh, my phone's ringing¡­BRB

    Kelly114: No problem, I'm waiting. To Sylvain: How is it going in London? How do U like England?

    Sylvain: Que¡­.what does BRB mean?

    Butterfly3: I'm back. Sorry I have to leave you guys. My friend's coming. TTYL.

    Kelly114: Ok, I've got to go too. XXs & Oos.

    Butterfly3: Bye Kelly and CYA Sylvain


    newbie: is anybody new on an online forum or other areas on the Internet.

     (The purpose of the exercise is to give you some clues about the codified language used by native speakers during on-line conversation. Minimize the use of abbreviations in the forum offered on this website as you are here to learn standard English. Abbreviations certainly don't help you improve your spelling skills.)

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    English exercise "Chat rooms & SMS abbreviations" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. CU

    2. SRY

    3. LOL

    4. THX

    5. ASL

    6. W@?!

    7. BRB

    8. TTYL

    9. XXs & OOs

    10. CYA

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Chat rooms & SMS abbreviations
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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