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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #20926: Adjectives beginning with -in
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Adjectives [Change theme]
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    Adjectives beginning with -in

    Complete with the right adjective.

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    English exercise "Adjectives beginning with -in" created by chrislondon with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from chrislondon]
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    1. Jesse James was an American outlaw.

    2. The local council is extremely as they never finish anything they start.

    3. We must come to the conclusion that we are going to lose the court-case.

    4. The outbreak of war now seems after attacks on border guards.

    5. James is ; he never makes a mistake.

    6. The appearance of lights in the cemetery at night are .

    7. Peter and Paul are always together. They are .

    8. My mother has an ability to know when someone is lying.

    9. The Sahara Desert is a hot place to live in.

    10. You don't need to dress up for the party as it's an affair.

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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