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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #22722: Fill in the blank with the appropriate article
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Articles [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - A/an - 'The' or nothing? - Countable nouns with a/an and some - Article The and geography - THE or NOTHING? - Article A or AN - Article 'the' / nothing - Articles a-an-the-Ø
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    Fill in the blank with the appropriate article

    Choose the right answer.

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    English exercise "Fill in the blank with the appropriate article" created by sidou77 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from sidou77]
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    1. I want apple from that basket.

    2. church on the corner is progressive.

    3. Miss Lin speaks Chinese.

    4. I borrowed pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.

    5. One of the students said, ' professor is late today.'

    6. John likes to play volleyball.

    7. I bought umbrella to go out in the rain.

    8. My daughter is learning to play violin at her school.

    9. Please give me cake that is on the counter.

    10. I lived on Main Street when I first came to town.

    11. My husband's family speaks Polish.

    12. apple a day keeps the doctor away.

    13. ink in my pen is red.

    14. Our neighbours have cat .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Fill in the blank with the appropriate article
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Articles | All our lessons and exercises