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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #23072: Adverbs

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Adverbs [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Adverbs of frequency - Adjectives and adverbs - Adverbs of frequency - Adverbs - Adverbs of frequency - Adverbs in sentences (lesson + exercise) - Adverbs : Till-Until- As far as-Up to - Adverbs of degree
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    * In structure, we can distinguish 3 types of adverbs:

    a- simple: just, only, well, near, down, yet.

    b- compounds: somehow,however.

    c- derivational: quickly,clockwise, eastwards.

    * We usually form an adverb of manner by adding -ly to an adjective.

    Examples: slow - slowly

                    possible - possibly

    Careful !

    Not all the words ending in -ly are adverbs.

    For example:friendly, lovely,lonely, silly, ugly

    these words are adjectives.

    * Some words have the same form in adjective and adverb function. Don't confuse them.

    Fast, hard, early, late, daily, monthly, loud

    Compare: Serge has a fast car. (adjective)

           Serge drove fast. (adverb)

    * Uses:

    1- Adverbs give information about an action. For example, adverb of manner, place and time (describe how,where or when something happens).

    2-They modify an adjective or another adverb.

    3- They connect two sentences (e.g conjunctive adverbs).

    *Position of adverbs and adverbial phrases

    1- Adverbial phrases which say how,where and when often go in this order:

    manner        place           time

    Example: They danced very well at the concert last night.

    2- After verb of movement, we often put expressions of place first

    place           manner

    Examples: Arco is always late.

                             He has never surfed web.

    3- We place adverbs in initial position to show emphasis.

    Examples: Usually,Renata doesn't arrive before 8.30.

    Never have I seen such a thing.


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