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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #23075: Determiners

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Articles [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - A/an - 'The' or nothing? - Countable nouns with a/an and some - Article The and geography - THE or NOTHING? - Article A or AN - Article 'the' / nothing - Articles a-an-the-Ø
    > Double-click on words you don't understand



    A- Articles

    * A : indefinite used before a singular and noun beginning with a consonant.

    A boy, a country, a man.

    * An : indefinite and used before singular beginning with a vowel.

    An elephant, an artist, an opinion.

    * The : definite used before singular and plural nouns.

    The man, the capital, the modals.


    1-We use the article before a common noun in the singular


    A boy(singular)----- (A) boys (plural).

    The boy (singular)----- The boys (plural).

    2-We don't use the article, before a proper noun


    A city : Atlanta.

    A country : England

    A person : Betty.

    But we say :

    The United States, The Himalaya.

    3- We don't use the article before abstract nouns or nouns expressing a generality.




    * Countable nouns:

    1- Small quantity: some, a little.

    2- Large quantity: a lot of, a great deal of, much.

    3- Small number: some, a few.

    4- Big number: many, a lot of.

    * Uncountable nouns:

    1- Liquids: water,oil...

    2- Mass nouns

    3- Feelings: courage, passion, love, hate.





     Quantity (Uncountable)


     or Big

    a lot of

    - many

    -a lot of

    - a great deal of

    - much


     - a few

     - some

    - a little



    Complete the sentences with the right word, or - (nothing). 

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    English exercise "Determiners" created by betty84 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from betty84]
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    1. There are books in the library.

    2. I often go to bed late.

    3. Have you ever had high fever?

    4. National Health Service was set up in Britain in 1946.

    5. Do you often have headaches?

    6. In countries,you have to pay for the medical treatment.

    7. The patient takes prescription to the chemist's.

    8. My brother is dentist.

    9. people think that development is modernization.

    10. Only houses were spared by earthquake.

    11. You must learn little English every day to improve your language

    12. I drink glass of milk.

    13. Sometimes, patience and advice help more than medecine.

    14. My father has just bought new car.

    15. Can I have bar of chocolate?

    16. There isn't bread in that tin.

    17. Is there ink in the bottle?

    18. Are there eggs in the basket?

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Determiners
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : Articles | All our lessons and exercises