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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #2337: 'The' or nothing?

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Articles [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - A/an - Countable nouns with a/an and some - Article The and geography - THE or NOTHING? - Article A or AN - Article 'the' / nothing - Articles a-an-the-Ĝ - A/An-how to use
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    'The' or nothing?

    'THE' or nothing?

    1. Main rule:
    The definite article 'the' (invariable in form) designates a person, place, or event which has been specified or defined by the speaker:

    Here's the book I bought.
    The cat is on the roof.
    He said he would bring the money.

    2. Omission of the definite article :
    No article is necessary in the following cases :

    🔹 2.1 Before abstract nouns or nouns representing general categories. It is often omitted after verbs expressing opinions or preferences:
    Truth is the highest good.
    I don't like animals.
    Cats are nicer than dogs.
    Time flies.
    She likes coffee, but she hates tea.

    🔹 2.2 Before days of the week and dates:
    On Tuesdays museums are closed.
    On Saturdays I sleep in.
    I was born on June 16, 1980.

    🔹 2.3 Before names of countries, states, cities, and regions:
    France is seventeen times smaller than the United States.
    California is larger than Brittany.

    Exception: Some names actually include the definite article, such as The Hague, the United States (of America)

    🔹 2.4. Before titles or nouns indicating professions:
    President Mitterrand completed two terms.
    We saw Professor Miller at the restaurant.
    She met with Doctor Schmidt.

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    English exercise "'The' or nothing?" created by webmaster with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from webmaster]
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    1. I've just seen latest movie by Spielberg.

    2. freedom is the best thing on Earth.

    3. Prince Charles will be a good King.

    4. boy sitting there is called John.

    5. I really like Queen Elizabeth II.

    6. I don't like vegetables.

    7. On Sundays, I sleep all day long.

    8. house we've just visited is the most expensive one.

    9. life is so funny!

    10. Spain is a very nice country!

    End of the free exercise to learn English: 'The' or nothing?
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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