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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #25073: Animals
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Animals [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Animals (video) - Animals - Animals & insects - Animals and pictures - Animals - Vocabulary: animal noises/sounds - Wild animals - Birds II (Idioms)
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    English exercise "Animals" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. It has a pair of wing, a nozzle and feathers.How is it called ?

    2. It has a vent, a nozzle and it is a mammal.How is it called ?

    3. It has a mane, it howls and is the king of the jungle.How is it called ?

    4. It has a scaly skin, it whistles and it has venom in its mouth.How is it called ?

    5. It adores the bamboos, it lives in the forest and it is black and white.How is it called ?

    6. It adores bananas, it is often scraped and is the ancestor of the Men.How is it called ?

    7. It is multicoloured, it speaks and it has feathers. How is it called ?

    8. It often makes a wheel, it has large feathers forming its tail and it has a nozzle. How is it called ?

    9. It lives in a farm , it adores carrots and it has hairs . How is it called ?

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