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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #25518: Small/little

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    "small" and "little"

    They almost have the same meaning, but there is a difference.


    I) Main difference between small and little:

    => "small" is used for a simple fact.

    => "little" is used to express an opinion. It is often used with another adjective.adjectif.


    Simple fact


    She's small for her age.


    He's a nice little boy.

    She's a small woman.

    He's a horrible little man.

    He lives in a small house.

    What a lovely little house!


    II) How to use them:


    => "little" is always used before a noun:

    My cousin's got a little garden.


    => Little can be used for a distance or a period of time:

    What about a little walk? 

    You'll have to wait a little while. 


    => "small" can be used after "be". It is often used in the comparative or superlative forms:

    His brother is rather small.     

    He's the smallest in the class.   


    => "small" can also be used with an adverb:

    This flat is too small for us. 


    III) Exercise :

    Choose between SMALL and LITTLE.

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    English exercise "Small/little" created by felin with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from felin]
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    1. She went to a lovely Italian restaurant

    2. Their house is rather for such a large family.

    3. My poor mother was really a great woman.

    4. My friend lives in a friendly town.

    5. These trousers are much too for me

    6. Did you see their adorable girl?

    7. Would you like a large or a beer?

    8. Lucile noticed that there were a few mistakes in this essay.

    9. It'll only take a while to clear up the room.

    10. These shoes are too for you. You should buy larger ones.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Small/little
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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