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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #26518: Affect and effect

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    Affect and effect

    Affect and effect


    Affect is an action


    Effect is a result.


    - As a verb, affect means: to have an emotional impact on, to influence, to imitate, to inspire.

    As an adjective, it means: imitated, pretended.


    Contrast these meanings to those of effect.

    As a verb, it means: to cause, to bring about.

    As a noun, "effect" means: consequence, result.

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    English exercise "Affect and effect" created by felin with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from felin]
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    1. What will bleach have on this stain?

    2. Jeff 's accent soon became his normal way of speaking.

    3. The widow's story everyone in the room.

    4. The managers needed to change in the manufacturing department.

    5. His letters her profoundly.

    6. Her parents' divorce had a big on her.

    7. Your opinion will not my decision.

    8. We are all deeply by his death.

    9. Your answer will not your grade on the test.

    10. The politician wanted to a change in the system.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Affect and effect
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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