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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #26618: Add a letter

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    Add a letter

                            Add one letter to each of the following words ( in any place ) to form a new word


        rime  +  c     ---->   crime

       sigh   +  t     ---->   sight                  soupir       vue

       ten     +  h    ---->   then

       a clue is given to find the second word. ENTER THE FULL WORD.

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    English exercise "Add a letter" created by lili73 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lili73]
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    1. With // she flies on a broomstick.

    2. Bunch // a meal that you eat as a combination of breakfast and lunch.

    3. Trill // a sensation of fright which is almost pleasant.

    4. Rely // answer

    5. Mother // to die from lack of air.

    6. Seal // to take something without permission.

    7. Nail // a gastropod that you eat served in the shell with melted butter and garlic.

    8. Wing // to twist clothes to get the water out of them.

    9. Lot // a space under the roof

    10. Soar // a system using sound waves (to find objects under water)

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Add a letter
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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