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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #28196: Expressions in economy
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    Expressions in economy

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    English exercise "Expressions in economy" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. It measures the whole of values added created during a year then it measures the growth: it is .

    2. When a person works , she receives a lot of money : it is her .

    3. When people have good incomes, they have a .

    4. It comprises the whole of barter (export and import) between several countries , it is the .

    5. A firm which is the only one to sell a product in the world, then it is a .

    6. A person who invests in a firm with shares, then it is a .

    7. When a firm closes a factory on a territory to open another one abroad, she practises the .

    8. A person who illegaly goes to a country, then it is a .

    9. It is a gift given by the government to an association, museums... it is a .

    10. It is an intervention of the state in the social tenement over the social security, it is the .

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