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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #3041: Reported speech

    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Direct/Indirect speech [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Interrogative clauses - Direct and Indirect Interrogative forms ... - Difficulties in Reported Speech - Direct or indirect interrogative clauses - How and What ... like - Direct or Indirect Clauses - Reported speech - Reported speech and present continuous
    > Double-click on words you don't understand

    Reported speech

    Direct speech

    Indirect speech

    He said: 'I live in Paris'.He said he lived in paris.
    He said: 'I am cooking dinner.'He said he was cooking dinner.
    He said: 'I have visited London twice.'He said he had visited London twice.
    He said: 'I went to New York last week.'He said he had gone to New York the week before
    He said: 'I had already eaten'.He said he had already eaten.
    He said: 'I am going to find a new job'.He said he was going to find a new job.
    He said: 'I will give Jack a call'.He said he would give Jack a call.
    He said: 'I have been working on that project for over two weeks'.He said he had been working on that project for over two weeks.
    He said: 'I can come tonight '.He said he could come that night .
    He said: 'I may buy a new car.'He said he might buy a new car .
    He said: 'I might go to Denver.'He said he might go to Denver.
    He said: 'I must give Ken a call.'He said he had to give Ken  a call. 
    He said: 'I have to give Ken a call.'He said he  had to give Ken a call. 
    He said: 'I should see a doctor'.He said he should see a doctor.

    Now report these statements and questions using the following  verbs: said-told-asked-advised-suggested.

    Don't use contracted forms in the answers.

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    English exercise "Reported speech" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. 'Where do you live?' -> She asked me .

    2. 'Who is your favorite singer?' -> He asked Mary .

    3. 'Are you married ?' -> He asked Susan .

    4. 'Has your father retired yet?' -> She asked James .

    5. 'We have lived here for six years'. -> He told me that .

    6. 'Why didn't you finish your studies?' -> She asked Mary .

    7. 'I saw this film two weeks ago.' -> He said that .

    8. 'You should have a rest.' -> The doctor advises the patient that .

    9. 'What about going to the beach?' -> She suggested .

    10. 'Don't switch on the TV!' -> The mother told her son .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Reported speech
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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